Catholic Community Schools
News from Our Schools
First Year of Middle School House System - A Success
The eight Houses, comprised of a mixture of students from each grade, worked together to reflect on, encourage, and experience the values that our school community instills and celebrates.
Servin' It Up!
On the last day of the school year, our high school students participated in an impactful day of service which included learning about homelessness and visiting community organizations.
St. Joseph Catholic School gets literacy grant and school upgrades.
Our 4th graders were thrilled to be able have new desks and chairs–with white boards–and everyone benefited from some much-needed new foldable tables in the lunchroom.
Success in STEM program and robotics for All Saints Academy
Our students clinched awards in statewide competitions including Minnesota Zoo Habitat Design and Catholic Schools Center of Excellence.
All you Need to Know About College Credits at Cathedral
Six questions answered about AP classes, CIS (College in Schools), and PSEO.
St. Francis Xavier focuses on academic improvements.
We conducted an extensive Minnesota Non-Public Schools Accrediting Association self-study accreditation during this past school year which will help guide our next strategic plan.
30 years of excellence at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton!
We had much to celebrate with the 30th Anniversary of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton while paying homage to our school’s predecessors, St. Anthony’s and Holy Spirit.
Cathedral Celebrates Class of 2024
The close of the school year had us celebrating the graduation of 95 seniors, continuing our tradition of a 100% graduation rate.
St. Mary Help of Christians: Leading by Example with Reading
Our teachers enjoyed the opportunity to read student-recommended books as a way to encourage more reading.
St. Katharine Drexel: Relationship Building Highlight of the Year!
Our entire school enjoyed the day-long residency conducted by staff from the Works Museum from Bloomington, MN.