President’s Message - Spring is Here!

“It’s Spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” – Maria Rilke, poet

One of my favorite activities from my time as a campus minister was opening the school day with prayer. Over a few years, I collected short quotes and verses of “wisdom” to share with students and colleagues, followed by a short prayer. In this Lenten season and looking forward to Spring, I offer a few of my favorite bits of wisdom.

“During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference.” – Pope Francis
“Perhaps the earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.” – Pablo Neruda, poet
“The life of a monk ought to be a continuous Lent.” – Rule of Saint Benedict
“Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.” – Doug Larson, writer

“Spring” comes to us from the Old English word springan, meaning “to leap, burst forth, fly up, spread, grow.” Spring is the season of countless miracles and wonders in nature, and how appropriate that this is what we encounter in Lent, on our journey to Easter. As we look inside ourselves, we prepare our hearts to grow and burst forth in joy and unrestrained new life. In so many ways, this time of year encapsulates the heart of our Catholic educational mission—we are made that we may be transformed.

Such is the process of learning and growth at every stage, from the first few steps into a school classroom to receiving a diploma and hearing a teary-eyed teacher say, “well done.” To “burst forth,” we prepare by looking inside, discovering ourselves and our purpose, gathering knowledge and nourishment, receiving wisdom and support from others, and opening our wings when we are ready to bring our gifts into the world. For 40 days, our Lenten journey fortifies and readies us—The best is yet to come.

The best is indeed yet to come for our Catholic Community Schools! We are blessed by your prayers, partnership and steady support—each of which allows our students to shine. We are grateful to our parents for the strongest re-enrollment response in years. We celebrate our teachers, staff and leaders who have committed their lives to this vocation and continue to love and serve our families. We give thanks for the generous giving in our school fundraisers and Deeply Rooted, Growing Stronger capital campaign.

As we journey through Lent and welcome the beauty of Spring, let’s keep growing together—strong in faith, hopeful for the future, and grateful for this incredible community.

In Christ,

David Fremo


February: I Love to Read Month


The Season of Open Arms