Cathedral School
Campus Ministry
Faith, Service Learning, and Campus Ministry
Faith permeates all aspects of student life at Cathedral School. A full-time priest and campus minister foster spiritual growth for all students, regardless of religious affiliation. Students participate in daily prayer and weekly mass, receive reconciliation, and have access to the chapel throughout the day. Grade-wide reflection retreats are planned yearly to integrate students' experiences into their understanding of faith.
Service is integral at Cathedral as well; students are required to complete service projects in tandem with their religious studies every year; a lifestyle of service is modeled by our teachers, alumni, coaches, and parent community; and students are given the chance to serve each other and the larger community through service leadership opportunities.
Shelly Flynn
Cathedral Campus Minister
Service Learning Coordinator
Fr. Doug Liebsch
Cathedral School Chaplain
Director of Vocations, St. Cloud Diocese
Opportunities to Grow
Service learning at Cathedral involves authentic engagement, reflection, and celebration that helps students make valuable connections with God, each other, and the community.
In Theology class, students receive mentorship from their teacher, reflect on and record their service experiences, and celebrate and collaborate with peers over projects.
Each semester every student is required to complete 5 hours of service and a written reflection report. In order to graduate, it is required to complete 10 hours of service per year of enrollment at Cathedral.
At Cathedral, we celebrate the Eucharist! Liturgy is celebrated at 7:35 am in the Cathedral chapel every Tuesday morning, and all-school Mass is celebrated on Thursdays, typically at the North Gym, however sometimes the school community walks to St Mary’s Cathedral for Mass and fellowship. Students of all grade levels and faith backgrounds are invited to actively participate in Mass by assisting in various liturgical roles.
Students who are not of the Catholic faith are invited to attend and participate, but traditionally asked not to take the Eucharist.
Absolution of sins can be so refreshing and powerful! The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Friday at 7:30 am. Fr. Doug is also available by request during the day.
We respect the faith of our non-Catholic students, and they will not be asked to take part in Confession.
Our Campus Ministers collaborate with Cathedral staff to maximize school-wide service activities and charitable drives. Major drives take place annually during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter seasons. Cathedral Campus Ministers promote an ethic of care and giving, relating the teachings of Jesus and the Church to our everyday lives.
Each grade at Cathedral is invited to attend an annual retreat away from our school facilities. Students also go as a united class and are asked to write a reflection essay about their service initiative or about an experience as they reflect on their retreat.

What Our Students Say
Prayer Requests
Our Cathedral community prays together weekly, and we would be happy to pray for your request. Your request will also be forwarded to our chain of Prayer Warriors.
Submit your prayer request below. It is helpful for us to have a name to pray for, so please don’t leave this field blank. If the request is confidential, please use a pseudonym or type “Confidential.”