Your generosity makes a difference.
Support Catholic Community Schools
Why give to the Annual Fund?
Catholic Community Schools depend on gifts of time, talent, and treasure to maintain the level of faith-based academic excellence our schools are known for and keep it affordable and accessible for all. Thank you for supporting Catholic education in the greater St. Cloud area!
Each year, our schools must raise approximately ten percent of their annual operating budget in what we call our Annual Fund, which represents the second largest source of unrestricted operating funds after tuition. Without charitable contributions from our community, our tuition prices would be out of reach for many of our families. The Annual Fund helps us keep Catholic education affordable and accessible to all families.
Revenue from tuition and fees covers only about 82 percent of the cost of running our extraordinary schools. Instead of increasing tuition to meet the full cost of operations, charitable contributions from individuals like you allow the schools to bridge this gap.
Annual Fund dollars sustain the excellence of the Catholic education and unique programs our schools offer, supporting the hiring and retention of outstanding faculty members, providing the resources to enhance academic and extracurricular programs, allowing the school to properly maintain its facilities, and enabling the school to offer aid to well-qualified students who otherwise would not be able to afford a Catholic education.
Catholic Community Schools gratefully accept gifts throughout the year, and record those gifts in the fiscal year in which they are received. The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.