Catholic Community Schools


Volunteering At Our Schools

We have many ways in which our volunteers add so much value to our schools. We invite parents, grandparents, guardians of all current or past CCS students to be part of the wonderful activities that happen across our schools, each and every day. Your support and help is much appreciated as we ensure our students have an exceptional Catholic school experience.

If you are interested in volunteering opportunities at any of our schools, then please reach out and contact us directly using the form.

Cathedral Parent Council

As a Cathedral parent, you are automatically an honorary Cathedral Parent Council member, and we welcome your participation in our monthly meetings as you are able. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month from 11:30am to 12:30pm, in person in Cathedral’s North Building Conference Room. At our meetings, we share information about Cathedral and have guest speakers on subjects that are pertinent to parents and students.

2024-2025 Meeting Dates:

September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 – Potluck & staff Christmas card signing
January 8
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14