• New Student Enrollment Now Open for 2025/2026

    Schedule a school visit at your convenience.

  • All Saints Academy Extravaganza

    Friday, April 25th | 6:00PM to 11:00PM
    Come to our Luau! Tickets are now available!

  • 95% of our students are involved in activities.

    50+ Athletics & Activities to choose from.

  • 1,500 Students between our 7 schools

    Students benefit from small class sizes & hands on learning everyday.

140 years of Catholic education in the St. Cloud area

Loving. Learning. Leading.

Catholic Community Schools (CCS) is a Preschool-12 Catholic school system that is building a better future through an exceptional education grounded in Jesus Christ.

The Catholic Community Schools Difference

  • Loving

    Every day, our students are welcomed into an environment of care.  Our educators recognize and celebrate the innate goodness in whom they teach and with whom they work.  They inspire our young people and each other to become the very best that they can be.

  • Learning

    As much as we recognize and celebrate the achievements of our students, we know that the foundation of learning is a humble spirit and a continuous desire for new growth. This is a core conviction for our entire family of schools; we embrace and pursue an ever-greater potential to understand and serve the needs of our changing community and world.

  • Leading

    The impact of our schools is measured over decades and generations. From the very beginning, Catholic education has been a foundation for community-building in Central Minnesota. Our students and educators alike have contributed knowledge, experiences and values that have, in turn, greatly blessed and shaped others. This is where we continue to ground our mission as we prepare for the next generation.

Fall 2024 enrollment is still open for select grades.

Become a Crusader today!